Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When I first heard there would be a fruit and vegetable carving class while here I was pretty much sold on the trip. I have a background in sculpture, and thought it would be a piece of cake. I have never been so excited to take a class, but boy was I wrong. We did our normal morning cooking class, ate our own tasty lunch, then went back upstairs for another round of class, this time carving. When someone makes something so beautiful look so easy, something just isn't right. I watched him make green onion curls, carve carrot leaves, a daikon rose, cucumber lotus, and papaya leaf. Then we were off on our own to try our hand at this. HA! We all had fun, but nothing looked even remotely close to what he had done. Oh well. I plan on buying a book with tons of pictures, pick up a couple of carving knives, and play with my food at home. Someday I will be as good as the chef at Blue Elephant. If not, I still know I always have the coolest jack-o-lanterns on Halloween. That's all the carving I really need to know.

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