Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Early breakfast in Bangkok - Street Style

After a few mornings in Bangkok we have come to love the experience of hunting street food to satisfy our early morning urges. This was morning number three, and we brought most of our booty back to the hotel room to eat and share with anyone who was interested. The staple of the morning has become the iced coffee available at nearly every street corner on the main drag near the hotel. Fried puffy doughnuts are always hot and delicious of the street, and usually never make it back to the hotel. They are priced very well too; 1 baht per doughnut, purchased usually in bags of ten. There are primarily two kinds: the sweeter 1.5 inch round doughnut, and the plain butterfly shaped doughnut. Next up was the grilled chicken wings, mmmmmmmmmm is about all I can say. This is the second day that we have purchased these. 15 baht for a stick, two wings per stick, lightly basted in a sweet and sticky sauce then grilled to perfection. I can hardly believe the smooth smokey and delicious flavor that these wings have. Might have to make this one a daily snack. The last one was a new item, butterflied and grilled pan fish. We think it was flounder, but can't be sure. It came with a sauce, but I enjoyed the flavor of the smokey grilled fish all by itself. I was honestly surprised and how deep and smooth the smokey flavor was on these items. This makes me think of new and innovative ideas for serving food in the states. Can't wait to try out some new techniques at home and in the restaurant.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! This sounds awesome. Tell me more.....
    I wish you could bring some stuff back.
