Sunday, August 8, 2010

Laura-There really are no flies.....

So, yesterday morning was our first day at the Blue Elephant Cooking School. The morning started off with an excursion to a street market not to far from our school to learn about some traditional Thai ingredients we just don't have access to in the states. We started with a stop at a small fruit stand and I had my new favorite fruit, mangosteen! It's like the texture of a citrus fruit, and a banana had a baby. It is to die for, so of course I had to ask where one of these things could be found in Nebraska. Oh, asian supermarket... I will be there searching for these as soon as I get home. Really, everything you could imagine to complete your dishes was here. There were noodle stands, fish mongers, fruit vendors, you name it it was there. To most Americans this place was far from sanitary, but as Chef said, you won't see any flies. I think we're still having a hard time getting past the fact they don't refrigerate their eggs, but eh, they still taste amazing! Can't wait for another day in class where someone else gets my mise en place ready, then kicks me out of the kitchen so they can clean up my mess. Maybe Metro could set something up like this....hahaha, I highly doubt that happening anytime in the near future.

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