Friday, August 6, 2010

Laura-Day 3...Breakfast Adventure

So, I will not lie I was not excited at the prospect of waking up to go on a breakfast excursion at 6 AM. We met in the lobby & headed out to see what a Thai breakfast consisted of. As we walked past the closed up shops (it's Saturday downtown), we started noticing street vendors setting up shop for the morning. Our first stop was at the greatest little coffee spot I've found so far. An older woman whipping up iced coffees for $.75. Definitely what we all needed in the morning. Take that Starbucks! There was a little lady making up sweet puffy donuts, then we found all sorts of meats on a stick. We all just purchased something along the way and shared it among the group. Donuts, liver, chicken wings, gizzards, dried shredded pork, SPICY little fish wrapped in banana leaves, and the greatest of all..... waffles with corn in them. Yes, WAFFLES & CORN. Amazing! My new fave. I will for sure be making these when I get home.

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