Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My first fruit and vegetable carving lesson at the Blue Elephant School

Today was unfortunately the last day at the Blue Elephant Cooking School of Bangkok. After a quick demonstration in the classroom from one of our wonderful chefs, we headed into the kitchen lab and began whittling our fruit and vegetables. Armed with a birds beak knife and a traditional Thai knife (looks something like a small meat cleaver) we began to duplicate our instructors designs the best we could. I started with the lotus blossom, then moved to the carrot and papaya. I saved my rose blossom for last since I knew it would take some extra time and I wasn't very familiar with the birds beak knife yet. The curled spring onion seemed the easiest of all, so i wanted to focus on the more challenging carvings while I had the instructors around. I was very satisfied with my carvings, and look forward to practicing more at home. There is nothing quite like edible art.

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