Friday, August 6, 2010

Tom-How To remove Shark Fin Soup from a nylon shirt*

* (answer revealed below) --- After a day where we tried as many different types of transportation as we did new flavors and textures, it's now 11 pm on Friday in Bangkok, but it's also 11 am on Thursday in Omaha. Perhaps all these experiences have put us into a new "Incarnation" of our own. We walked -- miles and miles through markets, with fruits and vegetables unknown to most of Nebraska, picking up odors with every stand we elbowed past. We rode a fancy bus and got bogged down in Friday afternoon traffic that makes the Saturday-morning-run-to-Lincoln-on Big Red Game Day look like a speedway, we lunched at probably one of the World's Greatest Shopping Mall "Food Courts" (spicy noodle soup with spare ribs and a green vegetable I'd need to look up on Wikipedia to identify, washed down with a Mango/Blueberry smoothie), we rode the SkyTrain (up in the air) and later the Metro Subway (underground) down to the large Chinatown at night, where 7 of us ordered-up a variety of dishes, mostly all seafood (wouldn't you class Shark Fin Soup as seafood? If not, then what?) on a big turntable in front of us, and we proceeded to spin our dinner hour away tasting crispy prawns, great oysters, some whole crab affair, duck in spicy sauce, spring rolls, whatever appeared rotating in front of us. Oh yeah, a hot "dessert soup" of sesame paste inside a rice wonton in a ginger broth -- one good spoonfull will make you forget about that Snickers Bar you had been lusting after. But that initial gelatinous hunk of shark fin was too slipery for my left-handed chopstick technique, and a small morsel bounced off my shirt -- "Jaws'" Revenge! "Hints From Heloise" does not cover "sharkfin out of nylon", but here's the secret: First you coat the shirt with a rich patina of hot wok fumes from cook stands, plenty of sweat on a very humid day, 20 minutes of in-your-face diesel fumes from a open air wild motorized Tuk-Tuk ride (could have been 'open bowels' in the insane traffic), add a dash of hot Thai spicy sauce and a garnishing splash of mango smoothie -- and that shark fin juice could never hope to stick on top all that, so I think it will rinse right out tonight in the hotel sink. (If not, I'll bet an overnight soak in Singha Beer will do the trick.) All this on our First Day in Thailand -- more to come, I'm sure. I have more shirts if I need them.................. Tom

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