Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thoughts on branding,snacks, and seven eleven (Peter, Monday)

On any given trip to Seven Eleven (yes there are more than 4000 of them in Thailand), you will find many familiar things with a some major and minor changes. Many major American brands have been exported, and as a testament to the power of good branding, despite the Thai labeling we were able to spot some American classics instantly See Pert Plus and Head and Shoulders below.

Many other items are modified to suit Thai tastes, or different flavors are available than are found in the us. Lays potato chips cam be found in Nori seaweed, and bird chile flavors. Both were delicious. The ominous sounding hot-dog flavored cheetos were just asking for a taste test. I happy to report that I can now field all your hot dog cheeto questions.

Upon opening the bag you are overwhelmed by a smell... A smell that could best be described a a concentrated version of South Sioux City. After coughing, I bore down and gave one the old college try. First salt and at little spice, then whammo; a sultry burst of pure hot dog. They were actually quite tasty. Laura and I finished off most of a bag on a cab ride. However, there were side effects. A lingering aftertaste of chemical and char clung to the tongue for a good 15-20 minutes. I suggest pairing with a nice mustard.

You will also find that many packages include English labeling. While quite helpful to tourists, the translations can be quite awkward and also quite funny. A few of my favorites are pictured below.

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