Friday, August 6, 2010

Peter-Paragon Mall Food Court

From an American perspective, A shopping mall food court would be one if the last places you would expect to find a great meal. Today's lunch was a pleasant surprise in both quality and variety. The Paragon Mall is one one of Bangkok's premiere shopping destinations, catering to an elite clientele. The food court, however, caters to a variety of price ranges, and features foods from some of the finer restaurants in the city. My choices today were Chinese noodles and Singapore favorite. Both were simple, classic and showcased the flavors of their respective poultry.

Today's order: Egg Noodles with Crispy Duck & Chicken Rice

Roast duck on display over the corresponding egg noodles. Noodles were served with a corresponding duck broth, garnished with scallions and served with a variety of condiments including a soy/ chile sauce. The duck skin was nicely rendered, and with a good spoonful of the garlic chile sauce I had a rich and balanced bowl of noodles.

Chicken and Rice was beautifully simple with a wonderful basic clear chicken broth, jasmine rice, perfectly cooked chicken, and a spicy but slightly sweet condiment of soy, chile, and ginger.

Unfortunately, I was too hungry and forgot to snap a photo of the dishes, but here's the wreckage.

A little video of the Siam sea creatures on stage for the kids.

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