Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Golden Pan Cafe (Peter, Thursday)

On Thursday night we had plans to watch bats exit their cave at dusk. We found a spot along the highway, where we would have a good view of the exiting bats and pulled over. With nothing to do but wait, we picked up a Thai iced coffee and looked around. As it turned out, we had parked next to a charming roadside restaurant named the Golden Pan Cafe. A few of us suggested to our guide and the chef that we just stay where we were for dinner. Chef checked things out and asked if they were ok with cooking for 14 chefs and culinary students. They called in another their head chef and went to work.

For me, what transposed was my defining experience in Thailand. This was why I came. All sauces were made from scratch to order in a mortar and pestle. All our food was cooked to order in front of our eyes. Three women cooking in harmony under the pressure of an audience of flashing cameras put together a spectacular meal. Below is some video of my three heroes working. For more detail on the dishes we ate see Laura's post "Roadside Smorgasbord".

YouTube Video

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