Friday, August 27, 2010

The next thing that happened to me in thailand I got hungry

After getting my luggage and running from this woman who was stranded but a transplant from Sand Diego. (Thai Origin-Chinese and Cambodian in race).
I just took a seat on a nearby bench and soaked in the rays of newness I was here in Bangkok, at the Airport, and waited to see the next adventure. I did not know what the college had arranged as far as a connection with me. I thought well maybe one of the many people holding up signed had one for me; so I slowly walked through each crowd at each entrance. Not to my surprise, there was no sign with my name on it. I was on my own. Cool, great, and exciting, not scary. I have traveled so much internationally I knew the next step was to take it easy and look around and slowly take it all in and make up my mind what to do next. After sitting on a bench for several minutes, I then noticed a Metro sign. I did not want to spend a lot of money and I knew that in most countries there were bus lines which would take you to the city from the airport. I noticed the signed which wares written in English and Thai and they stated the entrance number * was the one in which you could catch a bus. I started up the escalator at the entrance of the escalator were two officer one a women the other a man. I asked them about the metro and the told me in their own Thai way there was not service in the late evening. I then turned around and went back in to the Taxi waiting area. I knew then I was to catch a Taxi. The Taxi was a400 Baht, which I figured I gave the driver the address of the Hotel and promptly took me there. Upon arriving there me be-came so hungry I had to do something Chef O’Donnell said. That was to go to the Seven-Eleven Store. There I knew I would find food and food cheap. I was so hungry I over did it. I bought Oishi which was some type of dumpling, and a grilled cheese sandwich which they put into a pannini press and toasted it, then I also bought the most amazing thing, a bag of TONG GARDEN Peanuts mixed Anchovy Spicy. (Fit 4 Active Lifestyle) It was the most delicious discovery I knew I was in for it. Both spicey and salty and above all heavenly.

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