Friday, August 27, 2010

Thailand smells of "Great Food"

Thursday, August 05, 2010, This morning is a day of discovery for me I will walk everywhere. I took off to the mall there I had the sale clerks in amazement as they tried to size and fit my foot which is normally a size fifteen the Thai people have never hear or seen such feet. They did not find shoes that would fit me however, they found one pair that came close and the Thai men came around and begin to put their fully dressed shoe inside my close fitted shoe they were shocked at how much more feet I had to fill. Many of the men should about four to five inches of space in the back of the shoe.
Next I went to the Robinson Department store. It was full of everything one might need. I needed some face lotion and some other things. I needed to ask for help. There was a young man working in the customer service area who spoke great English. He helps me find what I needed.

There was the fragrance of food everywhere I even took a picture of some chicken. When I took the picture immediately a lady ran over to me and told me I was not to take any pictures inside of the store. Additionally, when I went to the food court counter and asked the cook if I could have a piece of chicken they told me I had to go to the counter and get some coupons. This was interesting because you would buy the coupons and then depending on how much the food cost at each counter you would present it and then they would exchange the coupons for food. I got my fried chicken. I love dark meat so I thought I would try two pieces of chicken and chicken only. I sat at a table and began to eat an English gentlemen Barber was sitting in the table next to me and he and I began to speak. He ask what hotel I was staying at and I told him the Park Plaza Hotel and he started telling me about this deal he had gotten at the Thailand Vacation Club where he spent a whopping $7000.00 up front so he would be able to purchase complete hotel stays averaging per week for something like $149.00. It sounded good. He then asked me if I wanted to partake in such a deal and at that time he and I began to walk towards his hotel which was in close proximity to my own. We got there and it was nice and clean however not the most fabulous place. There we met with Bob another English speaking gentleman who never really pressured me about the deal but subtly let me know he had an offer I could not refuse. All the while this wonderful chicken I just ate was calling again and again. I felt my entire stomach beginning to whirl and churn. I knew I was getting sick. I listened intently as the gentlemen talked about everything and nothing at the same time. I felt as the stomach churched I was getting sicker, however I did not know if it was the conversation or the deal that was sitting sourly on my stomach., I sat there as long as I could and I finally asked to b e excused. I then found the restroom and began to purge my chicken from both directions. I was gone for quite a time. When I arrived back at the table there were approximately six men sitting at the table and Mario- the English man laughed and said what took you so long you lost your place at the table. I greenly looked at all of the gentlemen at the table and announced I was terribly sick and began to walk to my hotel. That became quite a walk as I had to stop to purge myself often. I got to the hotel and purged myself front to back and back to front repeated for many hours. Finally I was able to dose off. I was sure the group was in the hotel by now however, I did not contact them and I was glad I was feeling better. Afraid to eat but knowing soon I would have to, I made up my mind I would have a noodle bowl of some type I felt something brothy would be great. After all the time was now 7:00p.m. I went out to get something to eat and still ended up at the 7-11 and got a grilled cheese Panini. I am feeling better and doing fine.

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