Sunday, August 15, 2010

Roadside Fruit Market (Peter, Thursday August 11)

Wednesday, on our way to Khao Yai, we stopped off at a massive roadside fruit market. Vendor after vendor with mounds of assorted fruits and vegetables. The whole operation extended the equivalent of at least three city blocks. The volume of product displayed was pretty amazing.

We've encountered quite a bit of fruit along our travelsm but none it such concentration. We saw a few items that we had never encountered before as well (see the beetle nuts pictured below). One of the true highpoints of our trip has been the fruit. I've seen, tasted, and enjoyed many fruits that I'd only seen in books prior to this experience; Longan, Dragonfruit, Rambutan, Jackfruit, Durian. In addition to trying new things, I knoe see some fruits in a new light: The pomelo and mangosteen have been absolutely delightful. I wanted to share a few photos of what we've been enjoying, so here are a few of the fruit market:

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