Friday, August 27, 2010

Emerald Temple and the Street Market

As we left this wonderful location we to the odd three wheeled vehicles called Tuk Tuks. These were the strange looking carts attached to a motor cycle I had seen many times in the City and even rode on once prior to this time. We were informed that we all would be riding our individual Tuk Tuks to the Emerald Temple. In Thailand the Emerald Temple was not necessarily for a temple made of emeralds but a temple which contained a lot of the color green. We proceeded to ride through the city from the Buddhist temple to the easily guarded emerald temple; another OZ. We arrived there in one piece on the shaky vehicles; I believe these vehicles have not shocks for the ride we received is quite bumpy and rough.

We got to this temple and even more so then the prior I noticed many people in these loose fitting pants of bright color. Thinking these pants had significance I asked one of the people wearing them what the significance of the colored pants wore and the explanation was simple. The pants which were puffy in design were rented pants because no one was to enter these temples with shorts one so the administration would require you to rent pants to be able to see the internal of the temple and its surroundings. The emerald temple was a temple full of murals and historical artifacts. It was very amazing as we went from one temple or building to another and viewed its offerings. I forgot to mention that as we left the Buddhist temple the same people who had previously took our pictures as if they were reporters and camera men now presented us with buttons which had our faces magically printed on the buttons. They were irresistible and I had to purchase mine. It was fantastic how they did such a thing with the buttons of the new stars of Bangkok.

Just before going to the Emerald Temple we walked through a street market which we found typical throughout the city. I kept asking about permits to do this selling on the street. Our guide Tiffy seemed to think tht these people did not need or have to be required to get vender's license. I know that if they were in America it would be an arresting time if they did the same.

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