Tuesday, July 27, 2010

(SAMPLE POST) Damnoen Saduak Floating Market (Chef, Saturday)

A floating market is a market where fresh produce and other products are sold from boats. Some boats prepare famous Thai dishes (as in cooking in a HOT wok!) while navigating the bumper-boat parade.  Originating in times and places where water transport played an important role in daily life, most floating markets operating today mainly serve as tourist attractions, and are chiefly found in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. Located a couple of hours ourside of Bangkok, Damnoen Saduak Flotaing Market in Ratchaburi, Thailand, is one of the most famously known floating markets, and is a major tourist destination.


  1. This Blog is for students registered in CHRM 2140. Use this single site to post a daily entry. This is to be a journal of your experience while you are in Thailand. Please include pictures where appropriate. You are required to post a minimum of 7 postings with at least one relevant picture each. Of those 7 postings, at least 4 need to be culinary/food related (ex. a restaurant/food review). When you post, please put the day and your first name in the title. Refer to the following example.
